Invitation to Gifts Room

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Shamanism is the oldest healing tradition in the world. The shaman serves as a communicator between the physical and the spiritual worlds using various ceremonies and rituals. Traditionally this term refers to an indigenous healer. This term is mostly associated with a medicine man or woman of many Native American cultures and applicable to any tribal healer. There are many variations of shamanism throughout the world. Shamanism comprises a range of traditional beliefs and practices regarding communicating with the spirit world through ritual, prayer, dream work, drumming and movement, to attain non-ordinary states of consciousness and to awaken spiritual abilities and a deeper connection with with nature. Shamanism is used to reconnect each person to their essence, their core - to nature and to spirit. Leeza has acquired many useful practices and applies this knowledge and wisdom in her healing practice.

Indigenous Wisdom

Indigenous means a people’s ancestral connection to place. This may be as large in scope as continental such as the Australian Aborigines, North or South American First Nations or more localized areas such as parts of Asia, Russia, Central Africa, Mexico or specific local area such as BC or Northern Mexican tribes. Much of indigenous knowledge is time tested wisdom that has been passed down through millennia in successive generations from before written history and which has developed into practices and traditions. Some of this wisdom has been formalized into religious structures.

Indigenous wisdom is often retained or imbedded in specific practices designed to create a wider awareness and spiritual connection to other layers of meaning and dimensions of reality. These practices are expressed through combining the use of plant life with their own special qualities, sound, prayer, ceremony, and ritual. All this is used for the healing of personal and planetary issues. Through her studies, Leeza has acquired many useful practices and applies this knowledge and wisdom in her healing practice.

Tibetan Healing Paths

There are many sects of Buddhism, which differ in teachings, and various healing techniques. The Medicine Buddha Practice, The Green, and The White Tara, the use of Mantras to create sacred sound. to name a few. These traditions have existed since ancient times assisting with the birthing process and the dying in their passage.

The origins of Tibetan Tantric practices are still a mystery. These spiritual practices help in the rapid development of the creation of the light body. There are also techniques that helps control inner energies and channels. The use of Mantra-sound patterns that can transform mind and matter, and create sacred space through chanting and visualization, accompanied the music that come from within.

Healing Mantras, and a variety of devotional practices aid in the journey to enlightenment as well as bring blessings to oneself and others. Mantras and visualization are among the most ancient healing practices used to bless and produce healing effects.



Essentially, prayer, whether it is through recitation, song, or other ways, consists of creating a connection or communion through your own higher self to what is usually referred to as a higher power or God.

The act of reciting a prayer is best described by the Russian word for prayer –
Молишся - 'Molishsya'. This is comprised of two words ‘molish’ - meaning entreating, asking, etc. in the conventional understanding of prayer and the suffix ‘sya’ or self. In other words, you are talking yourself into a higher state of consciousness to access that part of your self that is masked when your attention and intentions are focused on the everyday items before you.

Prayer is a reminder to ourselves that we have an immortal part within us – our soul, and it is only through that higher part of ourselves that we have access to the universal energy in which we all exist and find our being.

The main currency in this transaction is love and that is why true prayer can only come from the heart connection and carried on the intention of love and compassion to all.

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